Thursday, August 7, 2008

2008 Spring/Summer Tour - Day 127

I had a show this morning at a park in Kent. Summer park concerts are always favorites of mine and this one had a good throng of kids and families eager to dance and have fun, even though it was quite hot out in the field there. This was my third time doing this particular series, so I mixed things up a bit and added some songs I haven't done there before and also opened up with "Monster in My House" instead of the usual "Hot Sand". One particular benefit of not opening with "Hot Sand" is that I'm not exhausted after the first song! A woman came up afterwards with her kids who have seen me there the past two years and now refer to that place as "Eric Herman Park" whenever they go there to play. I'm not expecting a statue to go up anytime soon...

Otherwise, I mostly hung out at the RV park and got caught up on some reading and e-mails and stuff. Back at home, the girls and Roseann did some shopping and worked on some craft projects and began designing and constructing a new dollhouse. For bedtime, Becca got her turn on the top of the bunk bed. I think they'll be switching back and forth from night to night for a while.

The girls on their new bunk bed...

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