Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2008 Spring/Summer Tour - Day 147

I had a show this morning at the Albany Library, and it went very well, but I have to make an addendum onto the rule that I stated after my show at the Crossroads Bellevue that said; "If ever there is a show where I plug in my guitar but don't actually turn up the volume and strum it quick to make sure it's working correctly before the show, that will be the time when the battery for the pickup will have died." I have to add: "-or- that will be the time when the cord will have died." Now, I am always prepared with an extra cord, however, I forgot to replace the extra guitar cord that had gone dead a few months ago, so the only extra cord I had was a very small cord normally used to connect my wireless system to my sound system. Roseann could tell during the "Name Song" that my cord was dead, so she went rummaging through my equipment box and found that tiny cord and had to laugh. I plugged it in and used it, but for my guitar songs I was limited to kneeling on the floor right next to the sound system, which was a little awkward.

Anyway, after that we stopped at Skippers for lunch but I regretted getting the "all-you-can-eat" shrimp and fish, because I was already very full after the first serving... it kind of defeated the purpose of the "all-you-can-eat" aspect. We drove about five hours back home, thus ending the travel for our spring/summer tour this year. I have a show at the Tumbleweed Festival in Richland on Saturday, so that will officially be the last show of the tour, but it's good to finally be done with the traveling for now, as much as we've all enjoyed it.

This is a picture of The Invisible Band that I hadn't seen before...

The little cord...

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