Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2008 Spring/Summer Tour - Day 55

It was a very rainy and dreary day. I was hoping we'd be able to go swimming here again today but that definitely wasn't happening. So we stayed inside and worked on the computer and made some business calls while the girls played, and then we all watched Monsters Inc. together. It gets a little crowded with all of us up on our bed watching a movie on the laptop, but we make do and enjoy the snuggliness of that.

The rain finally stopped and the sun came out at about 5 pm, so I took the girls for a walk, carefully trying to avoid some big puddles (knowing that the girls try in particular to jump into them). We went to a nearby store for some milk and a few other things and played some Becca games on the way there and back ("Guess What I'm Thinking", "Sad/Mad/Glad", etc.). We had dinner and then the girls went to bed. I played Kingsburg on the computer while Roseann took Tiggy for a much needed walk, then we watched The Wedding Singer (the first movie Roseann and I had ever watched together) and went to bed.

The sun finally breaking through the rain...

Out for a walk...

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